Analyzing the Factors Influencing Green Job Participation and Income Effects Using National Labor Force Data

Devanto S. Pratomo, Devi N. C. Ningsih, Adhi C. Fahadayna, Kukuh Arisetyawan, Muhammad S. Al Ayyubi, Christiayu Natalia, Dien A. N. Asrofi, Lustina F. Prastiwi


This study is focused on two main objectives: 1) to analyze the factors that influence the possibility of individuals working in the green job sector in Indonesia, and 2) to analyze the effects of green jobs on individuals’ income. Using data from the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS), the study employed (1) logistic regression to examine the factors that determine an individual's likelihood of getting a green job, (2) regression analyses based on Heckman selection bias correction to see the effects of green jobs on workers' income. The results show that the characteristics of green jobs in Indonesia are dominated by young and prime-age male workers with low education and experience, with no physical or mental health problems. From the welfare perspective, green workers tend to have higher income levels than those of workers employed in the non-green job sector. This research fills a significant gap, as studies on green jobs in Indonesia—particularly those focusing on wage levels—are scarce. Therefore, it is crucial to develop tailored policy strategies that address green job creation, benefiting both environmental quality and the labor market.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-03-014

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Green Job; Sustainability; Income; Indonesia; Labor Force.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-03-014


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Copyright (c) 2024 Devanto S. Pratomo, Devi N. C. Ningsih, Adhi C. Fahadayna, Kukuh Arisetyawan, Muhammad S. Al Ayyubi, Christiayu Natalia, Dien A. N. Asrofi, Lustina F. Prastiwi