Utilization Management to Ensure Clean Water Sources in Coastal Areas

Ahmad Syarif Sukri, Saripuddin M., Riswal Karama, . Nasrul, Romy Talanipa, Abdul Kadir, Nini Hasriani Aswad


Coastal communities utilize tidal water sources; existing surface water does not meet clean water standards, and communities are greatly affected by current water use. Managing existing water sources to meet the needs of the community is very difficult to obtain, so research is needed to determine the quality, quantity, and distance of water sources needed to meet the standards. This study aims to determine the quality, quantity, and distance of water sources. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach, the observation method, a survey, a questionnaire, and documentation. Good water source management will ensure that everyone has enough water. October's highest surface water potential Q = 61.96 m3/s and April's low Q = 1.02 m3/s, highest Qt groundwater potential = 0.12 m3/s, and the lowest Qt = 0.05 m3/s. Water availability Q = 21.15 m3/s with a domestic demand rate Q = 0.127 m3/s and Q = 0.021 m3/s non-domestic. A suitable and compliant water source is located at point 5 at a distance of 9 km from the location of the coastal area, with 87% water quality and conditions Temperature, pH, NO3, NO2, TN, COD, BOD, and Chlo-a meet the standard value obtained at 0.2 mg/l, indicating that the condition is not contaminated and safe. Coastal water quality challenges demand research and prudent use management. Nature-based littoral zone management enhances water quality. Pollution management, sustainable water use, and community involvement safeguard coastal habitats, biodiversity, and water sources.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2023-04-01-03

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Utilization Management; Clean Water; Water Sources; Coastal Areas.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2023-04-01-03


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Syarif Sukri, Saripuddin M., Riswal Karama, . Nasrul, Romy Talanipa, Abdul Kadir, Nini Hasriani Aswad