Inquiry-Based Approach in the Context of Undergraduate Teacher Training

Eva Severini, Mária Kožuchová, Silvia Barnová


The aim of the study is to present information about the main findings of a research study on the application of the inquiry-based approach in undergraduate teacher training in the field of technical education. The authors seek the answer to the question ‘To what extent are the graduates of teacher training programs prepared for the application of the inquiry-based approach in technical education?’ For the above purposes, an exploratory qualitative research design was used. A qualitative pedagogical experiment was carried out, which was supported by additional research tools and methods (essays, microteaching, participative observations, an analysis of the research subjects, and reflection). The obtained findings show that, in the process of experiments, it has come to a shift in the participants’ opinions about the application of the inquiry-based approach in technical education. The participating future primary school teachers showed an inclination to using the method of inquiry, and the results suggest that they are sufficiently equipped with competencies for its realization. Since there is a lack of research in the field, the present study provides unique data that can help experts (primarily field didacticians) understand the need for searching for an optimal teaching model that can contribute to increasing the quality of education.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-03-09

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Technical Education; Inquiry-Based Approach; Undergraduate Teacher Training; Competencies For Inquiry-Based Teaching.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-03-09


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Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Severini, Mária Kožuchová, Silvia Barnová