Requirements Engineering of Knowledge Management System for Smallholder Dairy Farmers

Sofiyanti Indriasari, Dana I. Sensuse, Yuni Resti, Maria Wurzinger, Deden S. Hidayat, Bayu Widodo


This research aims to investigate aspects of knowledge management in smallholder dairy farming, focusing on four primary objectives: understanding the existing knowledge management processes, identifying the necessary knowledge for management, exploring the dominant knowledge management processes and the factors influencing them, and assessing the use of technology in supporting the knowledge management system. Through a qualitative and quantitative approach, this study successfully identified various needs that will aid in developing a knowledge management system. The research results show that the knowledge management process in small-scale dairy farming involves farmers, cooperatives, extension services, and industry. Farmers in livestock management undertake a holistic knowledge management process. Cooperatives augment this by creating guidebooks from best practices, holding training meetings, distributing informational materials, overseeing milk quality standards, and enhancing skills. Extension workers bridge theoretical knowledge with practical application. The industry plays a crucial role by offering comprehensive training, monitoring standards, and supporting farmers' professional development. The findings indicate that knowledge sharing is the dominant process, involving knowledge related to livestock care, reproduction, milk transactions, animal health, and farmer finance. The key factors influencing this process are People, Technology, and Organization. The results provide a solid foundation for further developing a more technical knowledge management system for smallholder dairy farmers, offering new insights into effective processes and technologies for knowledge management in this field.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-02-02

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Knowledge Management System; Dairy Farm Management; Knowledge in Dairy Farm; Farm Management System.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-02-02


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Copyright (c) 2024 Sofiyanti Indriasari, Dana I. Sensuse, Yuni Resti, Maria Wurzinger, Deden S. Hidayat, Bayu Widodo