Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Knowledge Transfer Among Software Project Managers: A Mixed-Methods Study

Nontouch Srisuksa, Mongkolchai Wiriyapinit, Pattarasinee Bhattarakosol, Thadathibesra Phuthong


Objectives: This study combined qualitative and quantitative sequential exploratory mixed-method approaches to identify the success factors of knowledge transfer effectiveness with software project managers and investigate how these factors impacted knowledge transfer effectiveness. Methods/Analysis: The qualitative research component included twelve senior and junior project managers, while the quantitative component involved a cross-sectional survey of 212 completed responses from software project managers. Findings: The results suggested that two influential factors as knowledge providers and knowledge transfer environment had a significant effect on knowledge transfer effectiveness. Novelty/Improvement: The research results enhance the operational capability of software project supervision and contribute to the improvement of knowledge transfer for software project managers operating in teams.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-03-06

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Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge Transfer Effectiveness; Software Project; Software Project Managers; Mixed-Methods.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-03-06


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