The Effect of Internet Celebrity B&B Service Quality on Customers' Behavioral Intention

Boyang Qi, Xinlin Qi, Shubham Pathak


This paper combines the means-end chain theory with the aim of clarifying the roles of service quality (SQ), perceived value (PV), and customer satisfaction (CS) on behavioral intention (BI). This research follows quantitative methodology, obtained 414, and these data were analyzed and hypotheses tested. SPSS 26.0 and Mplus 8.3 software were used for model fit and structural equation correlation analysis. The results show that SQ has a significant direct positive effect on PV, CS, and BI. PV has a significant direct positive effect on CS and BI. CS has a significant, direct positive effect on BI. In addition, BI is influenced by SQ indirectly through PV or CS. PV and CS act as dual mediator variables in the effect of SQ on BI. This paper is the first attempt to explore the important role of internet celebrity (IC) bed and breakfast (B&B) SQ in influencing BI from the perspective of the IC B&B, and explored the complex relationship between PV, CS as dual mediator variables, provides an in-depth understanding of the key influences on BI for IC B&B customers, and expands the original theoretical framework, filling a gap in the existing literature.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-02-03

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Service Quality; Perceived Value; Customer Satisfaction; Behavioral Intention; Internet Celebrity; Bed and Breakfast.


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