OCEAN Traits as Key Determinants of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour through Short-video Social Commerce Platforms

Thadathibesra Phuthong


This study aimed to examine the determinants of knowledge sharing behavior on a short-video social commerce platform by integrating the framework of OCEAN Traits and knowledge sharing behavior. A questionnaire-type survey was used, and responses from 200 TikTok short-form video platform users were analyzed against the research model, and the hypotheses were tested by employing partial least squares structural equation modeling. The findings reveal that Extraversion and Neuroticism traits were significant determinants of knowledge sharing behavior, whereas Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness traits failed to predict knowledge sharing behavior through short videos on the social commerce platform. The findings present several implications for researchers in the extraversion and neuroticism traits as key determinants of knowledge sharing behavior in the short-video social commerce platform context. The results will be beneficial to online business operators and their stakeholders who use short-video social commerce platforms to implement business strategies that promote buying decisions for products and services.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2023-04-02-04

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OCEAN Traits; Personality Trait; Knowledge-Sharing Behaviors; TikTok; Short-Form Video App; Social Commerce Platforms.


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