Intelligence in Light of Perspectivalism: Lessons from Octopus Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

Christian Hugo Hoffmann


This paper pursues the question of where we stand today in making sense of "intelligence". Even though definitions of intelligence have been provided over many years in different fields and disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, and computer science, these crude approaches often turn out to be overly systematic, rigid, and reductive. Moreover, as we argue here, much work on intelligence suffers from the bias of using humans as a yardstick and/or of focusing on human intelligence at the expense of acknowledging other, i.e., non-human forms of intelligence. By means of a concise literature review and case study analysis, the objective of this paper is to pave the ground for overcoming our anthropocentrism and appreciating the wonders of intelligence in nonhuman and non-biological animals instead. For that reason, we study two cases of octopus intelligence and intelligence in machine learning systems to embrace the notion of intelligence as a non-unitary faculty with pluralistic forms. Furthermore, we derive lessons for advancing our human self-understanding.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2022-03-03-03

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Intelligence; Multiple Intelligences; Octopi; Machine Learning; Pluralism.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2022-03-03-03


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