The Beliefs of Local Communities towards the Conservation of Birds

Jairus Nyongesa Koki


The community guide beliefs attached to different birds provides a practical index of the diversity and condition of an ecosystem on a site-by-site basis using birds as indicators. It is believed that protecting and managing such sites will result in the conservation of some of the most sensitive, fragile, and ecologically rich habitats in the world. However, acceptance of the community-guided beliefs concept and, thus, site conservation action by local communities is dependent on their perception of the importance of birds with regard to some aspects of their livelihood. The study was undertaken to examine the community guide beliefs attached to different birds in Kenya within the Maasai, Nyanza, Western, Rift Valley, and Coastal regions. Results obtained from a Google form questionnaire survey suggest that the response with a high proportion was from a Western community or locality where people lived.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2021-02-01-04

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Community; Birds; Cultural Beliefs; Avitourism.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2021-02-01-04


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