Investigation of Senior IT Management Skills Using COBIT Enablers and Social Media Platform

Sven Gehrke, Sandra Niemz, Lisa Wenige, Johannes Ruhland


Digitalization leads to increasing complexity and tight coupling of business processes. This increases the risk of "natural accidents". An answer to this proneness is a holistic mindfulness culture. The mindfulness dimension requires a holistic approach because it includes multiple aspects. This mindfulness should be reflected in the self-assessment of a company's employees. It is attempted to clarify whether social media allows an insight into how self-proclaimed qualifications are distributed in current enterprises. Social networks are particularly suitable because the members try to reflect the perceived demands of the companies while the characteristics presented are "quality assured" by connected members. More than 3500 profiles of senior IT managers were examined on the social network XING. COBIT has been used for categorization as a proven holistic approach for IT governance and structuring tool. The study shows that executives can be primarily categorized as generalists or specialists, both embracing a holistic perception, and therefore social media is suitable for general studies of qualifications in a business environment.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2022-03-01-05

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Qualification Distribution; COBIT; Senior IT Management; Social Media.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2022-03-01-05


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